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Privacy policy

Privacy Notice

In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law for Protection of Personal Data Held by Third Parties and its Regulations (the "Law"), Hotel Noah Tulum  hereby informs you of this Privacy Notice.


I. Responsible for the Processing of Personal Data:

Hotel Noah Tulum with registered address at  Av Tulum #88,  Tulum Centro, C.P.  77760, Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico, hereinafter referred to as the "Controller", informs you that the personal data you provide to us will be treated strictly for the purposes set forth in this Privacy Notice.


II. Personal Data:

The personal data that will be processed consists of your personal information, which may include: your full name, email address, domicile, telephone numbers, place and date of birth, marital status, number of children, health status, education, work experience, socio-economic status, patrimonial and financial data, bank account number, credit or debit card information for reservations and / or payments for accommodation and meals and / or purchases, social security number, Tax ID, personal ID number, among others strictly essential for the purposes described below, among which are also sensitive personal data.


All the data described above, hereinafter will be referred collectively to as "Personal Data".


You understand and agree that, when booking, requesting, or purchasing a service or product from the Controller, you must provide the required Personal Data or it will not be possible for the Controller to provide such services or products.


III. Purposes of Personal Data Processing:

The Controller will collect and process your Personal Data only for the following purposes:


Incorporation and updating (if applicable) in our Databases, of your Personal Data as a client, which will include your history of accommodation, purchases, offers and / or various promotions, events, communications for merely statistical purposes and improvement of our services.

Assessment as a potential customer.

Where applicable, the drafting and execution of contracts either requested by you or the Controller.

The fulfillment of obligations derived from the legal relationship between you and the Controller.

Provide you the services and products in a timely and proper way.

Inform you about changes or new products or services related or similar to the ones that you have acquired or requested.

Provide the Customer Service to clients, contractors, agents, business partners, service providers and / or suppliers.

Channel your comments, suggestions, complaints and clarifications.

Manage the sending of publicity, notices, messages, news, invitations to events and / or meetings, either through printed, electronic, telephone and / or face-to-face means for advertising, promotional, commercial assessment, or marketing purposes (unless you expressly refuse to receive them).

Share your personal data with our partner companies and / or with our business partners.

Provide you online services.

The Personal Data will be protected by the Controller under the strictest confidentiality, using suitable technological security measures and will not be used for any other purposes than those previously listed, unless there is a modification to this Privacy Notice, or an express agreement is made between you and the Controller.


Once the purpose is completed, the Personal Data will be blocked and prevented from processing, and finally will be canceled and deleted from the Controller's database.


IV. Collection of Personal Data and security measures:

The collection of Personal Data will be carried out according to the principles established by Law as lawfulness, quality, consent, information, purpose, loyalty, proportionality, and responsibility.


Personal Data will be collected directly from you or through any technological, telephonic, electronic platform, or by any other lawful technology such as our website or online services, among others.


The information that we receive and store from our internet pages when you interact on our websites is mainly technical information such as your internet protocol address, your computer operating system and browser type, the address of a reference website, if there is any, and the route you follow while you navigate our website.


We use "cookies" to recognize you when you access or return to our sites. A "cookie" is a small text file that a website or email can save in your browser and store on your hard drive. You can choose to browse our websites without accepting cookies. Cookies allow us to recognize you from page to page and verify your activity with us. Without cookies enabled, you will be able to navigate our websites, but you may not be able to use some features of the website. This information is collected to allow the websites perform correctly, to evaluate website usage and to support promotional campaigns.


The Controller has the necessary and sufficient security, administrative, technical, and infrastructure measures to protect your Personal Data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction, use, access, or unauthorized treatment.


In addition, we may obtain information from you through other sources permitted by law, such as telephone directories, referrals from companies or individuals, public databases of any public or private entity or agency, national or foreign, among others. 


V. Exercise of your ARCO rights and Consent Revocation:

You may at any time exercise your ARCO rights (Access, Rectification, Cancellation and / or Opposition) or request the Revocation of your consent regarding the processing of your Personal Data, for which you must send an email to


In accordance with the provisions of the Law, such email request must contain the following:


Name, domicile and email address or other means to communicate the response to your request.

The documents that prove your identity or, where appropriate, the legal representation.

A clear and accurate description of the Personal Data with respect to which you seek to exercise any of the rights, as well as the circumstances that motivate your request.

Any other element or document that facilitates the search for Personal Data, as well as any other document required by current and applicable legislation at the time of your submission.

The Controller will respond to your request within a maximum period of twenty business days and if it is favorable to you, it will become effective within fifteen business days following the date on which the response is communicated to the email you provide for such purpose.


The Controller will not be obliged to cancel the Personal Data in special cases set forth in the Law, such as: when it is part of a private, social or administrative contract and is necessary for its development and fulfillment; when it has to be treated by legal provision; judicial or administrative actions related to tax obligations, the investigation and prosecution of crimes or the imposition of administrative sanctions; if necessary to keep the legally protected interests of the owner; are necessary to carry out an action of public interest; are necessary to fulfill an obligation legally acquired by the owner and are subject to treatment for prevention or for medical diagnosis or management of health services, provided that such treatment is carried out by a health professional subject to confidentiality.


VI. Personal Data transference:

Personal Data will never be disclosed or shared with third parties. The affiliated companies of the Controller that require the Personal Data to carry out the aforementioned purposes are not considered as third parties, in which case the transference will be conducted according to this Privacy Notice.


VII. Consent:

In terms of article 8 of the Law, it will be understood that you tacitly consent to the processing of your Personal Data, when this Privacy Notice has been made available to you and you do not oppose to it, and your consent will be explicit when you book, request, purchase or receive a service or product from the Controller.


VIII. Modifications to Privacy Notice:

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Notice at any time. Such modifications will be available by any of the following means: (i) displayed in our facilities (ii) our website (iii) through the last email address that you provided to us. We will not be responsible if you do not receive the email containing changes to the Privacy Notice if there is a problem with your email account or with data transmission over the internet.

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